
We are a community committed to ministering to the heart of God through prayer and worship because we believe that the Presence of God transforms lives. We gather together Morning, Noon, and Night to give God our thanksgiving and praise, to worship Him by agreeing with Who He is, and intercede by agreeing with what He desires to do in our lives, city, and the earth.

To learn more about our beliefs,

click HERE

Service Schedule


Our Sunday morning worship gathering for all ages, including kids’ church/childcare for ages 3 months - 6th grade.

We invite children to participate in the first 30 minutes of worship in the main service before being dropped off for kids church. Children worshiping in the front must be accompanied by a parent.

Kids’ church check in time for Sunday service: 9:30-10am
Drop off for kids’ church: 10:30am


Youth meets on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8pm.

More info can be found HERE

 Jeremy & Ashley Shuck

UPPERROOM Frisco Campus Pastors

The Shucks have been in full time ministry since 2010 and have been connected with UPPERROOM since its infancy. They love their UR Frisco family and are passionate about building healthy families and leaders around God's presence. The Shucks have been married since 2008 and have five boisterous children.


Michael & Lorisa Miller

Senior Leaders and Founders

In April of 2010, the Millers started a small prayer meeting in an office space overlooking downtown Dallas. From that initial prayer meeting, God birthed a movement of prayer and worship that continues to grow globally. Many lives have been impacted by UPPERROOM's house of prayer, as people online and from all over the DFW metroplex come together to pray and worship every morning, noon, and night. In addition to their ministry in Dallas, Michael and Lorisa travel internationally to support other UPPERROOM communities and houses of prayer in the U.S. and abroad. Michael and Lorisa live in Dallas, Texas, with their four beautiful children.

Click HERE if you would like to learn more about UPPERROOM and our other campuses.

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Our podcast is a collection of weekend sermons from

Here are our most recent podcasts:

Our Campus


 7700 Main St, Frisco, TX 75033